Category Archives: Inadequate Security

Are You Safe When You Go Out?
Many Floridians are still reeling from the 2016 Pulse Nightclub mass shooting. A man killed forty-nine people, and wounded fifty-three more, in what authorities described as a terrorist act which specifically targeted LGBTQ individuals. Indeed, the shooter had sworn allegiance to ISIS and nearly all Pulse patrons were LGBTQ. But unfortunately, there is more… Read More »

Man Shot Dead At Hillsborough County Apartment Complex
Investigators have few leads after a man was shot in the torso and crashed his car in the parking lot of the apartment complex where he lived. Officers from the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office arrived at the scene late one night. According to witnesses, someone fired shots which hit the driver of a car,… Read More »

Deadly Shooting at Tampa Apartment Complex
Law enforcement officers arrested a convicted murderer in connection with a fatal shooting at a Plant City apartment complex. The 29-year-old man faces first-degree murder charges in the slaying of a man at an apartment complex on Park Springs Circle. Prior to his arrest, the suspect tried to hide in Polk County around Crystal… Read More »

If You Are Harmed by A Crime On Business or Public Property, Can You Recover Damages?
In late September, the Florida Supreme Court ruled that victims of the Parkland shooting can only recover $300,000 from the Broward County School Board because, even though the school rendered inadequate security (which ultimately lead to the injuries in the shooting), there is a sharp limit on how much government agencies can be forced… Read More »

When Inadequate Security Measures Not Only Lead to Assault, But Additional Harm Later in Life
In July, a student who was sexually assaulted in her high school filed a lawsuit against the board of education, high school, and school district, alleging that negligence displayed by all three–in particular, inadequate security measures–led to her assault by another student in a stairwell while she was walking to class. Specifically, her allegations… Read More »

Florida Court Decides That Parents of Parkland School Shooting Victims Can Sue Security Guard for Negligence
In July, the Fourth District Court of Appeals in Florida ruled that parents of Parkland School shooting victims can sue the security guard for negligence in connection with failing to “call a Code Red,” when he spotted the shooter arrive at the school immediately before the incident occurred. Several parents of victims who died… Read More »